Saturday, September 3, 2016

To bear witness

There is a lot that I don't understand. Things that I'll never be able to truly understand. But I won't underestimate the value of bearing witness. I see you. I see your experiences. I see what you are dealing with. I see your struggles. I see your frustrations. I see your brilliance and how if people would just get out of your way there's nothing you couldn't do. I can only imagine how it must weaken one's spirit - all this smoke in all these mirrors. But I see you. I will not look away. I will not run away. I will not pretend to have the answers. I believe your smile is so bright because although you've been through the mud and the muck, and you're sure to go through it again, you refuse to be held captive by it. The way your face glows is an act of defiance. To see and be seen is a gift. I will not underestimate the value of truly being seen, of truly being heard. I am blessed to be a witness.

Sunset in the Bale Mountains. 

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