Wednesday, February 1, 2017

One Revolution Around the Sun - Reflections on the past year in Ethiopia

What a year it's been! In some ways it feels like the longest year of my life and in some ways it has passed in a flash. A year ago I was saying a tearful 'see ya later' to my stateside family and friends, packing up and moving out of my apartment, and downsizing to two suitcases. I was full of anticipation, no clue what was really in store for me, but absolutely certain I was on the right path. I was following my heart. And the heart is always right. That's not to say I wasn't afraid, I was leaving behind my comfortable life and taking a big leap into the unknown. Of course I felt fear and anxiety. But if there is anything I've learned this past year it's that we have very little to be afraid of and if we're willing to push past our fear the rewards can be immense. You're just gonna have to take my word for it. It hasn't all been easy, there have been some downright miserable moments. Of course that's life anywhere. We carry on. 

This year has taught me the art of sitting still. Really, it is an art. "You cannot force a flower to blossom. It will blossom, but on its own time." (Victor Cauper Gonzales) As painful as it was sometimes, I'm grateful for the challenge of adjusting to a slower pace as it gave me more practice being present with what is and seeking contentment and acceptance in difficult situations. 

I've learned about letting go of certainty - I thought I was a 'go with the flow' kinda person before; maybe I am by American standards but not Ethiopian.

And this experience has reaffirmed for me the value of relationships. If I've accomplished anything here in this past year it's only through the relationships I've built. Cultural exchange is the foundation of Peace Corps service and this past year has seen a lot of it. I have gained so much just by showing up, just by being present, showing an interest and a willingness to learn from others. I've gained new friends and family and we've made a difference in each other's lives. Unfortunately that's not something that can be measured but something that I believe is quite powerful in the grand scheme of things. And I've developed a greater appreciation for all the kind souls, the inspiring, good people back home who I miss dearly. Your example makes me want to do better, to strive to be the best version of myself. 

There is so much that I can't put into words regarding the experiences of this past year but I can say it has helped me to see things with new eyes and has changed me for the better. 

It is a blessing to experience this beautiful country, to be a citizen of this beautiful world, and share it with some very beautiful people. 

"Making a decision is only the beginning of things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision." -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist